Ealing SEND Information and Advice Support Service (IASS)
About us
Who is the service for?
Ealing SENDIASS offers free, confidential, accurate and impartial advice and support to families living in Ealing with a child up to the age of 25 who has special educational needs or a disability (SEND).
We provide easily accessible information, advice and support to children and young people up to the age of 25 with SEND. We also work with parents and carers to raise awareness of their rights and help families make informed decision about matters relating to SEND, including issues such as health and social care. We support families to develop and maintain good relationships with schools, colleges, the local authority and other professionals in order to secure the best outcomes for the person with SEND.
We aim to:
ensure parents and young people understand everything and can fully participate in the EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) process by explaining how the EHCP assessment process works.
promote positive outcomes between parents/carers, schools, colleges and Local Authority agencies.
ensure the views, needs and wishes of parents/carers, children and young people are included in the EHCP assessment.
We will support you on an impartial basis, which means that: we do not favour one side over another; we treat all parties involved respectfully and fairly. We do not have a stake in the outcome and are not involved in the Council’s decision-making process.
What does the service provide?
Individual appointments for parents/carers or young people at our office or in a school setting, an Early Years centre, college or youth centre (for young people with SEND).
Support for families via our telephone helpline, email, 1:1 meetings, school and college meetings and annual reviews. We would always aim to respond to enquiries at the first possibility (and up to 48 hrs).
Information and guidance on how to apply for statutory assessment; this includes relevant documents and evidence to be submitted.
Information and advice on SEND support in early years provision, mainstream schools and post-16 institutions.
Facilitate communication between families and schools/professionals and support in resolving disputes.
Guidance on local provision in mainstream, resourced mainstream and special schools.
Early disagreement resolution, including help with mediation and preparation for first-tier SEND Tribunal.
Support and assistance to draft letters and any other supporting paperwork.
Review EHC plans with parents/carers to ensure that objectives and outcomes of the special education provision meet the child/young person’s needs.
Advice and support through the process of transition from one school to another, including exclusion and complaints on matters related to SEN and Disability.
Access to clear information to parents/carers and young people about access to the Local Authority’s ‘Local Offer’, how it is used and its availability; Information on other organisations, groups or specialist services locally or nationally if further support is required.
Support families in special circumstances to apply for transport for their children with disabilities.
Sessions, talks and workshops for parents/carers and young people to understand relevant SEND procedures and legislation.
Information to Young people about apprenticeships and supported internships.
If you are 16-25, please see information on the Ealing local offer https://www.ealingfamiliesdirectory.org.uk/kb5/ealing/directory/advice.page?id=qEuH-cxjD9c
Who we are? How to contact us:
Anna Bhalla: Ealing Sendiass Manager
Karolina Antczak: SEND Caseworker
Ruhi Grover: Community Support and Engagement Officer
Elizabeth Adeogun: Senior SEND Caseworker
Ebru Yilmazata: SEND caseworker
Ealing Sendiass phone number: 0203 886 2062
Email – info@ealingsendiass.org.uk
Ealing SENDIASS staff generally work between 9am and 5pm but our helpline is 10-2pm Monday to Friday. There are occasions when the lines are busy so please do leave a message and we will call you back. You can email us at info@ealingsendiass.org.uk We always aim to respond to initial enquiries at the first possibility (and up to 48 hr on working days) and to engage with ongoing cases as necessary.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Please contact us via email in the first instance and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
020 3886 2062