Information for young people (ages 16-25) with EHC plans
What is an Annual Review?
An Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) must be reviewed at least once a year. This process is called the Annual Review. It is the responsibility of the Local Authority (LA) where you live to carry out the review. If you are in a school or college, they will set up the Annual Review meeting. If you're not, then the Local Authority will organize it instead.
When should it happen?
The 'Annual Review' needs to be completed every 12 months since the EHC plan started, or 12 months after the previous review. It's important to keep track of when this is due so you can remind your local authority, school, or college if necessary. If you feel as your needs have changed or the plan doesn’t reflect you anymore you can also ask for an early review.
If you are moving from secondary to a post-16 institution, the LA must review and amend your EHC plan before 31 March in the same year that you plan to move.
If you move from one post-16 institution to another post-16 institution, the LA must review and amend your EHC plan at least five months before that move takes place.
More than two weeks before the meeting, the LA or head teacher needs to send you (and your parents) a letter asking what you think and feel about the help you receive in school or college, and what you hope to accomplish later on. They must also check with other professionals who work with you for their insights and suggestions on what might need to change in your EHC plan. At least two weeks before your annual review, all the information must be shared with everyone who is invited.
What should happen during the Annual Review meeting ?
The meeting and any planning for the future must be focused on you. It is important that the you have the chance to explain your views, wishes and feelings.
The EHC plan includes a part named 'outcomes' (section E) that describes goals and aspirations. Every year, during the review meeting, your progress toward these goals and the support you need to reach them should be discussed. It's also a time to think about if new goals are necessary.
It's also important to talk about if the support you're receiving is still suitable for you and if there need to be any adjustments to help you meet your education and training objectives. Remember, education and training aren't just about formal qualification; it includes any type of learning.
From Year 9 onwards, the Annual Review meeting should also focus on preparation for adulthood. This means thinking about how you might progress to employment, independent living and being part of their community.
What happens if you want to move school, college or start internship ?
If you are going to go to college (Further Education), or undertake training for work such as a supported internship, traineeship or apprenticeship, then you can keep your EHC plan.
If you would like to continue into Higher Education (university), the right level of provision and support should be provided by the LA to help you to achieve that goal, wherever possible. However, your EHC plan will end. Other support is available for some young people under the Disabled Students’ Allowance.
What happens after Annual Review?
After the meeting, the LA or the head teacher needs to write a report that suggests any changes to the EHC plan. This report should include your wishes and views. Everyone who attended the meeting should get the report within two weeks.
On completion of the report, the LA has one of three options:
Continue your EHC plan without any changes
Amend the plan – make changes to it
Cancel the plan
The Annual Review meeting is finished once the LA decides on one of the options above. This decision will be shared with you and your school or college within 4 weeks after the meeting. If the LA decides to change the plan, the LA must send ‘amendment notice’ within four weeks of the annual review meeting. This is a copy of your draft EHC plan and proposed changes. You can make comments about your draft plan within 15 days.
What if LA wants to cancel the plan ?
There are only a few reasons why an LA can ‘cease to maintain’ an EHC plan. They are if the young person:
You have turned 25,
You have started a paid employment (not apprenticeship),
You have started University,
You have moved out of the area,
You no longer need support through EHC plan.
What if you disagree with LA?
Whatever decision LA makes that you disagree with can be appealed to the First-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability).